Converts a AnnData object to a MAMS object
Converts a AnnData object to a MAMS object
- object_list
A named list of AnnData objects objects to be converted to MAMS format
- X_processing
A vector of the same length as object_list, where each element describes the processing for X in each object. For example, "counts" or "logcounts" or "scaled".
- observation_subsets
A vector with same length as object_list indicating the observation subset name for each AnnData object. One of: full, filtered, threshold, detected, nonartifact, clean.
- dataset_id
Specify id of the dataset
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
anndata <- import("anndata")
counts <- matrix(rpois((500*200), 1), nrow = 500, ncol = 200,
dimnames = list(paste0("Row", 1:500), paste0("Col", 1:200)))
adata <- anndata$AnnData(X = counts)
py_set_item(adata$obsm, 'X_pca', matrix(rnorm(50), nrow=500, ncol=10))
py_set_item(adata$obsm, 'X_tsne', matrix(rnorm(50), nrow=500, ncol=2))
mams <- convert_AnnData_to_MAMS(object_list = list(adata = adata),
observation_subsets = c("full"), dataset_id = "dataset1")
} # }